
Presentation at the PETRA’17

Madita Herpich presented the work “Co-Designing a Recommender System for the Elderly” at the 10th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, on the Island of Rhodes, Greece.

Poster presentation on the Greek-German Days on Research Innovation & Young Scientists

On the 9th and 10th December 2015 the CARE team presented their work as part of the Status Seminar “Greek-German Days on Research Innovation & Young Scientists”, Athens with the help of a poster. As highlight of the event the CARE team was invited to a reception at the German Embassy in Athens.

CARE meeting in Athens

CARE meeting in Athens

On the 8th of December 2015 both teams of the German-Greek project met at the ICCS-NTUA, Athens.
There the results of the last months and the following steps were discussed.

Presentation on the PETRA 2015

On July 3 our publication “Design of a Lifestyle Recommender system for the Elderly: Requirement Gatherings in Germany and Greece” was presented on the PETRA 2015 (on Corfu) by Charline Hondrou and Andreas Seiderer.

CARE Meeting

On July 2 the fourth project meeting took place at the Ionian University on Corfu, Greece. The current state of the project and the next studies were discussed.

CARE Meeting

On the 17th and 18th of December the third project meeting of all members of the CARE project took place at the HCM chair of Augsburg University. There the results of the first study and the following steps were discussed.CARE-meeting-18-12-2014